The profile section displays your personal information like your time zone, your name, your email address, your password, and your address.
Check Out Profile
To check out your profile, go to Account.
Click on Profile.
You will be prompted with this screen.
Time Zone & Inbound CNAM
Here you can change your time zone.
Choose your time zone.
Here you can also enable inbound CNAM.
CNAM is an acronym for caller ID name, enabling inbound CNAM will allow you to see who is calling you if the name is present, it will also be displayed in the call logs.
Personal Information
Next you have your personal information, these cannot be edited.
Change Password
If you want to change your password, enter your current password, and then enter the new password and confirm it, when you're done, click Update.
Your Address
Here you can change your address.
Make sure the emergency address points to your place of operation for 911 calls purposes.